I've written here about mountains before, how much I like them. Did I mention that I had an Untersbergblick at my previous two apartments? "Apartment" is a loose term here--as a student and as a staff member at the boarding school, I inhabited rooms. BUT each room had the "Blick," a view of the Untersberg. I won't go into details. Just know that there's not much like waking up and seeing the Untersberg outside your window.
I was a bit sad that our apartment, although we have a Gaisbergblick (see previous post), had no Untersberg.
Not until autumn fell.
The other day, Jenny looked outside our balcony window and said matter-of-factly, "I can see the Untersberg." Now I didn't believe her. For two months, I'd occasionally lamented (mostly jokingly) the fact that we couldn't see the Untersberg from our apartment, not even a reflection in the huge windows of the insurance building across the major road. So I told her that that wasn't funny.
"I'm serious, I see it!"
So I looked, having quickly prepared myself for some let-down. But there it was, the summit! Yes, just the summit, but it's the Untersberg! A tip of a tree had been blocking our view. But it's leaves are gone leaving thin branches. When it's a clear day, I can even see the cable car and the hut on top of the mountain. The hills are indeed alive, right from our very balcony! Thank you, tree--perhaps you'd like to meet my friend, Mr. Chainsaw?