There's an update in the "Antauchen" saga! I know you've been hoping there would be. (Please read previous post first if you haven't already)
Gabriella, next year's Resident Director, is in town for three days to learn the ropes. I've been taking her around to meet the people and see the places she'll need to know about next year. While viewing one of my student's CLEAN dorm rooms, I started telling my "antauchen" story.
Gabriella, whose father is from Salzburg, actually lived here as a 6-8 and 14-15 year old back in the 80s and 90s. She remembered the word, again really just an Austrian word, and she remembered it meaning not only to push someone on a swing, BUT also to "push" yourself or to pump your legs so that you swing on your own! So you can "antauchen" someone else and you can "antauchen" yourself.
Mystery solved. Nikolas was right, which means that he DID teach me a word I didn't know!